About Us

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Founded in 2017, Heno Analytics is a provider of data research and analysis, biostatistics, statistical programming, evidence synthesis, real-world evidence, real-world data, instrumental development, and global health. Our purpose is to improve businesses’ policy-making toward gathering better data, analyzing it, and tracking progress.

Our Mission

To find solutions, innovate, and solve complex data research and analytics problems, biostatistics, evidence synthesis, real-world evidence, real-world data, and data engineering. We bring logic and coherent responses to our clients to help them provide the best data, analyze it, and track progress in policy-making decisions.

Our Team

We are a diversified dedicated team of experienced scientists and data experts working to deliver high-quality solutions to our clients. Our senior scientists have extensive experience leading complex studies in North America, Europe, and Africa within academia and industry.

Our core strengths are data research and analysis, biostatistics, evidence synthesis, statistical programming, instrument development, real-world data services, and global health.


Data Research and Analysis

Deriving valuable insights from data and turning them into a sustained competitive advantage.


Entering any stage of your research, and preparing data collection, statistical analysis, reporting designing stages and presentations.

Evidence Synthesis

Assessing relevant previous research of pertinent evidence.

Real-World Evidence and Real-World Data

Elaborating on methodological approaches generating and analyzing RWD and identifying evidence and data limitations.

Instrument Development

Creating tools to collect data, transform and present into actionable insights.

Global Health

Ensuring that low and middle income countries benefit from global pharma.